Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How to Go Green: Workouts

At this point, all those holiday cookies, cocktail parties, and lavish lunches are a distant memory—and the reality is that you're (at least) five pounds heavier than you were when you last stepped on the scale. With that post-holiday realization usually comes the equally depressing one that the wedding/vacation/other big event you thought was months away is now only a matter of weeks. It's all enough to make anyone jump right on the treadmill. But before you commit to a workout plan that depends on massive electricity usage, automotive transportation, and a slew of new gear, wait: There's a greener way.

For most of recorded history, people got their workouts the old-fashioned way: by getting outside. Of course, a lot of them were harvesting crops and tending fields, but you too can take your routine outdoors, add a modern twist, and still kill two birds with one stone. Walk to the supermarket, ride your bike to work, take up hiking or gardening—all of these ideas will have you fit and toned without the investment of a gym. If you are a gym rat, look for one that has eco-friendly qualities. And when you're looking at other exercise equipment—like sneakers, weights, and water bottles—choose green alternatives to traditional products. Who knows? You might even find exercising fun again—or, at least enjoyable enough that you can finally stick with your New Year's resolution. Read on to get started.

Top Green Workout Tips

Click here to check them out on

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